Park Avenue Presentations

"Getting Revenge"
(Addressing Employee Retaliation Claims)

Duration: 90 minutes

Speaker: Robert Gregg



Webinar Description

Legal problems with your employees are not always over when you think they should be. You have successfully responded to an employee’s complaint that your business has violated an employment law, even received a No-Cause Determination and dismissal from the EEOC. Congratulations! Then, months later, a new charge is filed by that employee for retaliation.


There is renewed and increasing awareness about “whistle blower” protections and special requirements for addressing employee concerns. Almost every new employment law now has anti-retaliation provisions that protect certain employee activity, and a growing number impose personal liability (damages come out of the manager’s own bank account or personal assets). Now 25% of all EEOC filings allege retaliation. Retaliation cases are harder to defend than the original claim and may already have been lost by the employer by the time they are filed.






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