Park Avenue Presentations

The Aging Workforce-What is the Proper Legal Focus

Duration: 90 minutes

Speaker: Bob Gregg



Webinar Description

People are working longer.  Reaching age 65 does not mean a worker must retire.  Fifty is not "old."   Employers can benefit from the experience of workers who remain employed for extra years.   Many people are healthier and remain active longer than they used to.  But, that is not the case with every worker since some older employees may not be able to perform at their former level of activity.  The increasing number of older workers creates opportunities for the employer.  It also creates quandaries for the employer relating to legally compliant periodic employee evaluations, how to validly determine whether a person can effectively and safely continue in a job and how to legally communicate that determination, succession planning and more.  This webinar will review many legal and practical issues that affect an aging workforce.





This event will be presented live with a PowerPoint presentation to be viewed on your computer. You may listen to the audio of the webinar by telephone or through your computer. The PowerPoint slides will be provided shortly before the event. Once you register, you will receive an email which is your receipt and which includes your instructions for dialing in and logging on. You will also receive an email reminder 24 hours before the webinar.