Terminating Employees for Misconduct Outside of Work
Duration: 90 minutes
Speaker: Dr. Jim Castagnera, Esq.
Webinar Description
What your employees do on their own time would seem at first blush to be their own business. On further consideration, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that employees’ bad behavior away from work and outside working hours can rebound on your organization’s reputation, even its bottom line, as well the health & safety of the rest of the workforce.
This harsh reality really hit home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Irresponsible co-workers, who ignored safety protocols and who placed themselves in harm’s way brought COVID into their workspaces to everyone’s detriment, including the company’s.
Drug and alcohol abuse, recreational marijuana, illegal and immoral conduct, domestic abuse.... the list goes on. All such conduct reverberates in the workplace. And yet, you intervene in such behavior at your legal peril: legal-activities laws, invasion of privacy torts, discrimination statutes… all pose legal hazards. What’s a harried employer or HR professional to do?
What will be covered:
- Post-pandemic protocols: COVID still stalks us, some policies need to be kept in place
- Remote working is here to stay: protecting your firm’s intellectual property, while encouraging and tracking productivity, and providing psychological support
- The marijuana revolution and the opioid epidemic: don’t let drugs rule your workplace or the remote worker’s off-site location
- Social media misconduct: necessity for and limits of anti-disparagement policies
- Sexual assault, sex harassment and spousal abuse: identifying and excluding predators from the workplace
- Criminal and immoral conduct: non-discriminatory hiring practices, legally-sound criminal background checks, morals clauses and more
- 90-minute webinar (Travel-Free) delivered over the Internet.
- Unlimited listeners per connection - bring the entire department.
- Q&A session with the expert.
This event will be presented live with a PowerPoint presentation to be viewed on your computer. You may listen to the audio of the webinar by telephone or through your computer. The PowerPoint slides will be provided shortly before the event. Once you register, you will receive an email which is your receipt and which includes your instructions for dialing in and logging on. You will also receive an email reminder 24 hours before the webinar.