Park Avenue Presentations

Excel for HR Managers

Duration: 90 minutes

Speaker: Melissa Esquibel


Webinar Description

Excel is one of the most powerful tools in today’s workplace. You will almost always see in job postings for management jobs, including HR positions, that Excel skills are required.  HR professionals need to organize, analyze and communicate data, which is the purpose of Excel.


In HR, it is virtually impossible to do compensation, benefits, project management or any HR function without knowing some Excel, and it is impossible to be a true business partner without knowing Excel. Using Excel is not merely having the ability to enter names into lists. Excel saves you time while bringing understanding to piles of data. Before Excel, it could take weeks to organize, analyze and present data that can now be accomplished better in an afternoon.


The power of Excel is the ability to use the data entered into its spreadsheets to perform mathematical calculations as well as other financial functions. Excel’s functions can provide answers for simple to complex statistical and financial questions. Pivot tables allow you to slice and dice data to gather significance from data. Connections between data can be represented visually as charts, graphs, or histograms to provide better understanding.



What will be covered:

This webinar will teach you the essential features of Excel at which today’s HR management professionals are expected to be proficient. 

Creating powerful and interactive visuals with Pivot Tables Conditional Formatting and Charts



Continuing HRCI Credit Information

This program has been pre-approved for 1.5 hours of General recertification credit hours through the HR Certification Institute. Use of the seal is not an endorsement by the HR Certification Institute of the quality of the program. It means that this program has met the HR Certification Institute's criteria to be pre-approved for recertification credit.


Continuing SHRM Credit

SHRM Recertification Provider
Park Avenue Presentations is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CPSM or SHRM-SCPSM. This program is valid for 1.5 PDCs for the SHRM-CPSM or SHRM-SCPSM. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit



This event will be presented live with a PowerPoint presentation to be viewed on your computer. You may listen to the audio of the webinar by telephone or through your computer. The PowerPoint slides will be provided shortly before the event. Once you register, you will receive an email which is your receipt and which includes your instructions for dialing in and logging on. You will also receive an email reminder 24 hours before the webinar.