Park Avenue Presentations

Fix the Problems with Your Bad Managers

Duration: 90 minutes

Speaker: Deirdre Kamber Todd, Esq.


Webinar Description

We all have heard about the “Great Resignation” of 2022-23.  We know that more than fifty percent of employees are quietly quitting their jobs. We know that ninety-five percent of employees would change jobs if they could find alternatives.  We know that we advertise for job positions that go either unanswered or unfilled, even at a higher base rate of pay.  But did you know that nearly fifty percent of our disengaged workers are members of management?  Just because individuals are in positions of “power” over others does not mean that they are happy in their jobs.  So, one problem with management is that a large portion of them do not want to work for you.  

The next problem with managers is that, even among those that enjoy their jobs, they do not know what they are doing or simply do a bad job at managing.   Examples of ineptitude include: they are unable or unwilling to discipline; they fail to lead by example; they apply unequal rules amongst their subordinates; they are unreasonable; they are discriminatory; they are weak; they are bullies; and they are, in the eyes of their subordinates generally, untrustworthy and unreliable.  These weak links are the only links that are expected to keep subordinates working productively, and if they are disasters, you can be sure their subordinates are looking elsewhere.  When we look at the difference between employees looking to quietly quit due to their bad managers, statistics show a difference between over 70% quietly quitting due to a bad manager to just 3-4% with a good manager.  This is a huge difference.

We have to make our poor or disengaged managers great again, and there are ways to accomplish this.  This program will discuss various tools, opportunities and protocols to improve the direction, quality and value of your management.  We will discuss both the broad brush strokes on improving management generally and will examine one-on-one solutions for specific issues faced by individual managers. 




    1. Trust
    2. Motivation
    3. Engagement
    4. Cooperation
    5. Transparency
    6. Generational Understanding
    7. Problem Solving
    8. Consideration, and
    9. Other solutions
  1. What Other Best Practices Should be Engaged in Today’s Work Environment
    1. How to Address Quiet Quitting
    2. Issues of Quiet Firing
    3. Motivation, and 
Other General Best Practices




Continuing HRCI Credit

Approved Provider

This program has been pre-approved for 1.5 hours of General recertification credit hours through the HR Certification Institute. Use of the seal is not an endorsement by the HR Certification Institute of the quality of the program. It means that this program has met the HR Certification Institute's criteria to be pre-approved for recertification credit.


Continuing SHRM Credit

SHRM Recertification Provider
Park Avenue Presentations is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CPSM or SHRM-SCPSM. This program is valid for 1.5 PDCs for the SHRM-CPSM or SHRM-SCPSM. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit



This event will be presented live with a PowerPoint presentation to be viewed on your computer. You may listen to the audio of the webinar by telephone or through your computer. The PowerPoint slides will be provided shortly before the event. Once you register, you will receive an email which is your receipt and which includes your instructions for dialing in and logging on. You will also receive an email reminder 24 hours before the webinar.